“There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings. And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? Others said, these are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?” John 10:19
I heard a preacher take a call on his radio show this past week; the caller asked him, “what is the difference between a slave and a prisoner? The radio host responded without much hesitation stating that, “a slave is persecuted, and a prisoner is prosecuted.” When one is being persecuted, he or she is being subjected to ill-treatment, concerning their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and/or political beliefs. While on the other the hand the prosecuted has been accused or committed a crime.
In time pass we have learned that scriptures were written in an occidental mindset or Asia Minor one; and therefore, the bible cannot be perceived fully within a Westernized mindset alone. Here we will find a particular class of Jews in great division against Yahweh’s good work (Torah law/instructions or grace, mercy and judgement), and since scripture must relate to us with a practical and spiritual significancy of our daily lives. Let us say the Jews (Hellenized religious leaders) of Yeshua (Jesus) time are those who are busybodies, false accusers, gossipers and naysayer of our generation. (Read Proverb 6:19, 19:5;9)
Who Is Crazy
Who would bother someone who is crazy or waste their time in following someone who has been deemed to be a devil? Now, as for the Jews they were trying to accuse the Messiah of just that think about these few questions. If, you have a true circle of digital friends around you those you can ask to stop by the store when they are on the way home from work to drop-off things of need. Why are you concerning yourself with them who are not in your digital circle? People go to work every day and take lunch breaks with co-workers they choose to take one with. How does that make the other co-worker any lessor or important than the one you are eating with? So, if classism is important to you then why dispute amongst yourselves about those who chooses not to participate?

When our minds are imprison by the works of the flesh, we are really being workers of unrighteousness; thereby, we cannot be followers of the Highest Elohim (God) at the same time, We must repent then take up Yeshua (Jesus) good work which is the living word of Yahweh.
Broken Body
When the roots of man-made religion started around 156 A.D. for as denominations. It was between 29 to 31 A.D. that Pentecost, which is fifty days after Passover that Yahweh’s spirit came down to confirm the church as promised Yeshua. What pattern are you following? Man-made religion or the Shekinah Glory (Holy Spirit) who was sent by the Father? When Constantine sat on his throne holden the title of Pontifex Maximus, in 306-337A.D., the Messianic Believers and Jews were long gone, her remnant was scattered into the outermost part of world just as our Messiah said his ‘broken body’ (church) would be. (Read Matthew 26:26-28) “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost [Spirit].” Matthew 28:16-20 (Please Note: Christ and His disciples would not have used the word ghost for the name of Yahweh’s spirit. This is a broken pattern of word usage, and the term Holy Ghost can only be found in the New Testament; therefore, it has no witnesses that can reference us back towards the Torah or the prophets. In Genesis 1 it reads “And, the Spirit of God,” and Yeshua tells us that “God is a spirit.” So which part of the Godhead can be a ghost? However, the Torah, Prophets and New Testament does mention one can give up the ghost, but never mention Yahweh is a ghost, nor any of His divine attributes. (Sabbath study group discussion 2019)
Time of Persecution
It was during these times of persecution that the greatest every evangelizing had taken place on the face of this great earth. John pens in the book of Revelation that 144,000 sealed virgins (who knew no other religion both women and children) were those who witness to a great number during those dark ages. Were greatly persecuted by both Jews and Rome for speaking and trusting in the name of Yeshua (Jesus) the King of Kings, our Savior of the world. By 64 A.D. both Jews and Messianic believers were expelled from Rome because of their much debating concerning the name of our Messiah; moreover, the Jews begun to understand this Christ was their own, and this became a greater threat to Rome.
“And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.” Revelation 7:4
“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands…” Revelation 7:9
Many accounts of the Shepards’ sheep being scattered abroad can be found wherever Messianic Jews and Jews were exiled from around the world. One example in the 14th century Jews were expelled from Spain, they were called Sephardic Jews (A Jewish person of Spanish or Portuguese descent these are the ones who also migrated to the islands of Barbados, Caribbeans, Century America, South America and North America.) Moreover, Cuba was the 1st nation to allow fleeing Jews from Germany to enter into her gates.
A big brother shared with me that his great-grandparents told him that. When Jews came over to Cuba every seed that fell from their palms, cause the land to become blessed (fertile). These were them that cultivated the vineyards of Europe’s kingdoms and the sugar cane fields of the islands ever before West Africans arrived at Barbados as young able working adults. How do we know their older ages? They were old enough to continue their native diet and you can notice that Caribbeans’ and Spanish cuisines or similar, if not the same to Africa and Mediterranean diet.
Yeshua (Jesus) was not in any social club of His day outside of His own family beliefs, nor did he seek out to be the talk of anyone’s town. You can say He was a type of anti-follower of our day, but a leader. He followed His Father’s will and obeyed the laws of the land even unto death. But this did not stop the people pleasers from keeping His name out of their mouths. He was followed daily, but wait a minute was this not the same man that was said to be mad (crazy) and possessed. However, the town’s busybodies, gossipers and the religious sect of His day could not comprehend true light, so they call evil good and good evil. Only thing Yeshua (Jesus) wanted to do was His Father’s WILL. They insisted on following Him because they themselves would not believe and repent; therefore, they were engrossed with the confusion of darkness like moths drawn to streetlights never to return. (Read John 1:5; Isaiah 5:20) WHO WILL ARE YOU PROCLAIMING? (Read 1 Samuel 8:7)
Evil Spirit Followed
There was a damsel with a spirit of divination (Python) the Greek Mythology behind this curse was that she carried the spirit of Python or Pythia (G4436) who was a goddess that was seated at Delphi, Greece. This spirit caused her to follow Paul and Silas for it is written: “This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days.” (Acts 16:16-24; Deuteronomy 18:11) “…Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.” (Acts 16:18) A python uses constriction to kill its prey likewise Satan desires to constrict you from a more abundant life in the word of Yahweh.
Yahweh’s word is the only thing on the face of this earth that is dogmatic. It is the same today in 2023 as it was 5783 years ago when Adam was expelled from the garden of Eden. The same blinding spirit that blinded Cain who became exceedingly jealous and attacked his brother Abel for the GOOD WORK. Is the same spirit that was attacking Yeshua (Jesus) when Christ was heading to Solomon’s Porch. “…it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication (Chanukah/Hannukah), and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.” John 10:23-24
It is written they blame Yeshua (Jesus) even for their own doubt, which is ludicrous because by this time, during His ministry Yeshua (Jesus) had already done many great works and they knew it. A evil spirit is never blind when it comes to in identifying Yahweh’s children. The only thing those followers needed to do was to cry out for rest, but they continued to accuse Christ of having a devil. See, good works are governed by the Holy Spirit this is the power by which you were call or chosen to do Yahweh’s will rather it be preaching, teaching or etc.,
Now, there will be believers who will perform many good works but will not enter into the kingdom of eternal rest. These are the ones that come in their own name lifting up their own worth, above the throne of the FATHER’S WILL. As our Savior warns the hypocrites of His day, this dire warning was not giving to the worldly, but the religious sect of Yeshua’s day. You can blasphemy the Son’s name as you wish too, but blasphemy against the WORK (labor) of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. It is so important for ministers of the faith at every level including myself to continue to allow the HOLY SPIRIT, THE SHEKINHA GLORY of YAHWEH to teach us how to rightly divide Yahweh’s truth. According to scripture ALL nations have been deceived. So, believe in the Power of Yahweh which enable us to do the Lord’s good will on earth, but His greatest will that HIS ministers show Love one to another.
“They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.” Isaiah 65:23
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
45 mph
People do good works on a daily basis save or unsaved for instance placing a sign asking drivers to slow down, because they know how deadly a certain intersection ahead can be is called good works unto their fellow man. The road I live off of drivers are known to speed, but during the spring and summer time the trees cast a shadow causing a blind spot where dark color cars that are approaching can blend into the shadow of the trees and/or overcast sky. In return cars coming off a stop sign onto a 45mph road, where the speed can easily be misread in how fast the other car is going while pulling out into an intersection.
The whole time since my family and I have been here in our community there has been ample complaints for a flashing warning light at our intersection, but to no avail those requests have fallen on death ears. Our main road is mark at 45 mph, a two-lane road that crosses my street which does not have a right-hand nor left-hand turning lane. What would be the best way you would warn someone of the dangers of a high-risk collision area with all the distracted driving that is going on today? I know for sure there has been at least 9 incidents and 1 death at this intersection.
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When you have been driving professionally for over 20 years you realized you are not driving for self only, but for everyone around you and every day you will make mistakes, but everyone’s ultimate goal should be to make it back home to their loved ones. This is not the case with the adversary he wants to kill two birds with one stone; furthermore, he is not going to share with you that you will be prosecuted guilty by thy own labor. The adversary knows how to dress himself up as an angel of light, but this light is known to blind and deprive you of spiritual truth because of this cause it is written.
“Whoso digs a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolls a stone, it will return upon him.” Proverbs 26:27
“He made a pit, and dig it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.” Psalms 7:15
Good Suggestion
Distracted driving is as dangerous if not more than those who are driving while under the influence of alcohol. The only differences are the penalties, but both can lead to death. If one desires to use a sign device to spread the good will in slowing down unwarranted speeding in their community, they must understand not all will follow this is why the world cannot be hypocrites, but if you say you are of the Christ then any good suggestion is worth considering.
I have warned many ministers in faith to stop or be watchful of certain matters, but to no avail either they did not want to hear, or they heard but continue their same direction. Then, weeks or months later they see the end results of their choices know they mad at you for their doubts in not believing. This is not the case for the world they understand application. When you take the time and asked them R-U-GOOD they do not mind sharing with you a few concerns. The Centurion ruler had great faith knowing he was not clean but a sinner who stood before Yeshua (Jesus). While believing in Christ’s application process of faith the Centurion ruler faithfully filled it out completely. Chruch It is the lack of ‘application‘ that Yeshua (Jesus) warns the kingdom’s children of their apostate faith.
But do not be dismayed when your accusers will use you as a scape goat which is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others. This is why Yeshua (Jesus) says, “pray for them that despitefully miss use you.” Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28 Do not undue your professionalism when you are attack just keep on praising Christ, for Yeshua (Jesus) was all about the endgame and we should be also.
Nevertheless, as Christ was doing His Father’s good work for everyone around Him who believed, the adversary HATED Him. Satan mocks at socialism when it comes to your better good (look at the statistics of any social led program where money is involved), but instead Satan will use social media platforms to spew out his venom of hate. Can you imagine a hatemonger behind a computer in sheep clothing telling you about someone they know of but do not know them.
I have worked and went to school with people who can carry on a town hall meeting can make everybody laugh in the room. Then, all of a sudden you do not see them at work or school anymore and you ask about their absence, and found out they were wanted for murder, or etc., you just do not know. A sex trafficker who has befriended your son, daughter or wife while sitting behind a computer screen or cell phone telling them how much they look good and love them next thing you know they are missing. What sounds or looks good is not always good.
We know that Christ is Yahweh’s anointed. How do we know this because His gift made room for Him. Yeshua had real-time followers and He did not have to join anyone’s platform to have His image or name spread abroad rather good or bad. Do you know of anyone who is not on any platform directly today and have real-time followers because their gift is making room for them? When it was time for me to come from underneath my studying Yahweh was giving me all types of conformations to GET UP. So, I threw a hook into the sea with no bait on it and all the naysayers’ bit at one time on FACEBOOK. I knew then who laid the foundation of the pyramid scheme in hopes of my ill-will, but just because the dog’s eyes are closed does not mean he is sleep.
I have cameras outside of my home as well as many do in the community. However, most of their cameras are hidden out of plain view of the public. Our household do not use the name of freedom to trespass against those we deemed to be neighbors by putting their works on social media to conjure up digital followers, for it is written: “As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.” 1 Peter 2:16. This goes for everything you have been entrusted with and to do. Trust in Yahweh’s word love thy neighbor if you do not you will become cursed, it is written, “He that digs a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaks a hedge, a serpent shall bite him.” Ecclesiastic 10:8
Many can preach the word faith all day long even the demons have faith in the Power of Yeshua, for it is written “And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” We labor all day long because we are FAITHFUL, and my question is to you. What is your understanding and reasonability according to this parable? The servants in this video all knew their master well but somehow one of them believed that His lord would overlook how lazy he conducted His business affairs while away. “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matthew 25:21
Why hear ye him?
Beforehand, I have shared with you guys that the dispensation of brotherly love or the Church of Philadelphia, which is the found pearl, has come to a close there will not be any more scapegoats to cover up your wrong. We have entered the Church of Laodicea, the Messiah had nothing good to say about this Church after it went into apostate, the Church of individual accountability (responsibility) at hand.
It has been said, that this church represents the time when the dragnet will be cast out into the sea. Sea is an idiom that points also to people and when this net becomes full of people, the angels will pull it to the ‘shore’ separate each one of us from the good and the bad and the bad from the good. So, at this time we must all live and grow together as wheat and tares in hopes we can learn much truth before that great net is drawn inwards, for it is written. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels but threw the bad away. So, it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:47-50
If, you ever heard a woman’s wailing on this side of life it will not compare with the sounds of wailing and gnashing of teeth to come? All those who have eyes to see, SEE, and those who have ears to hear, HEAR these things concerning the kingdom of heaven. Make time to seek out Yahweh’s spirit and truth. Repent Today and be baptized, pursue His good works. To all the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Blessings to You and Yours. Shalom (Peace)