Torah |
Haftarah |
Brit Chadashah |
Please Note: Many of our fathers were not reformers but RESTORYERS of the Good News. Meaning they did not add or take away but allowed scripture to be its interpreter of the Father’s will. Example, Martin Luther resisted the false doctrine of man and set a measuring line with the nailing of 95 Thesis on October 31, to the doors of Wittenberg Castle church which brought worship back unto our Lord and Savior. William Miller revealed to a western world that prophecy in scripture were indeed Yahweh’s living word. The likes of James and Ellen G. White by confirmation and revelation restored Sabbath Day rest and dietary will of Yah’s people.
Now, none of those who are mentioned above were without error or fault including the video. But when studying we must keep a few STATEMENTS in mind. SATAN (The Accuser) came to steal, kill and destroy. While on the other hand, Yahshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ our Lord) came to be our Kinsman’s REDEEMER for ALL who believes. Secondly, when HE returns, as our Messiah to restore ALL things we can read in the letter to Colossians, “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which is a shadow of things to come…” Colossians 2:16

However, the B clause of that text clearly lets us know that Yahweh’s will has not been sideline. We all should be now looking for a shadow of things to come which reflects a deeper understanding for the need to live a more abundant life in our everyday walk with Christ. The more we breath in HIS word, the more we will want to reflect HIS image as shown in the above picture, and women your reflection should be a type of Shekina Glory (Holy Spirit) the presence that surrounds Yahweh.
Many who received revelation in time past had a zeal to continue the Lord business AS IT WAS written and delivered. The likes of William Tyndale and all those restorers of Yahshua’s first LOVE, ministered the Good News which is the word in the beginning to the end this is what it means when it is said, “I AM the Alpha and TAV (Omega). (The Hebrew Alphabet only had 22 letters many scholars and sects believe that this x or t represents the cross.) These fathers realized indeed liberty rested in the patterns that Yahshua (Jesus) left for the BODY to LIVE out in faith.
Christ shares with us, “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:19 Least does not necessarily means worthlessness it could also point to how an order of preaching would go forth amongst the BODY. Image if you were trained to perform a certain duty at work but as soon as you are release from training, the next day your boss sees you just standing by the machine you were trained in using. They are going to ask you, “Is there a problem.” Why? Because you are just standing there and not working out the ‘knowledge‘ you have gain concerning that equipment.
Yell, I know just keep thinking positive about that equipment (or gift) and it will move itself, Okay. Nevertheless, you will never hear just believe and stay home when you are being asked to come into church. Any place we enter is a place were learning and worshipping which both requires bodily movement. I remember the importance of sick and shut-in prayer; moreover, the blessed work that went forth when members would visit as well. Why do you believe when Christ said, “you have DONE it also unto me.” “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” – Matthew 6:10 Faith with works BECOMES the manifestation of our belief on earth. James 2:18
Therefore, be cautious to speak against Grace preachers and especially those Grace ministers who have fallen asleep. Meanwhile, many of their organizations are still broadcasting their grace by faith teachings, but as ministers we are all giving a measure of Faith from the Lord. In remote parts of this world radio broadcasts are needful in sharing the Grace teachings of SALAVATION; therefore, non should question those who prefer not to preach beyond the rudiments of being born again. It just may allude to a community/country that needs to understand the foundational Principles of who is the Way.
Moreover, it is a Pastor’s right to resign or become an advisor if he planted the Righteous seed in his pasture and not of himself. It is Yahweh’s blessing to taste and see the fruits of labor Reproducing within and outside of the pulpit. Replacement with vibrant and youthful Ministers of fire this should be notable on the outside and the Elders can witness this work on the inside. Did not Yahshua ask His disciples, “HOW LONG?” “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.” -Matthew 17:17; Numbers 14:11,27
There is a season of sitting at the cross, but it does not nullify the carrying of the cross. Yahweh will revel His secrets, as our faith WALK evolves more into the likeness of His Son, but it must evolve in His likeness and not our own. Who then can stand against Yahweh’s WORD when we keep (are mindful) of THEM, it is written, “Moreover, by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” -Psalms 19:11