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‘Passover Sabbath’
April 26, 2024TorahErev Pesach Exodus 33:12–34:26 Numbers 28:16–31 Haftarah Ezekiel 36:37–37:14 Brit Chadashah
‘Unleavened Bread’
April 23, 2024TorahMatzah Exodus 12:21–5 Haftarah Joshua 3:5–7, 5:2–6:1, 6:27 Brit Chadashah Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke…
April 22, 2024TorahErev Pesach Exodus 12:1–51 Haftarah Joshua 5:2-6:1 Brit Chadashah John 18:1–19:42
‘At All Times’
April 22, 2024"Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a…
‘They Repented’
April 21, 2024"The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it:…
‘She Conceives & Cleanses the Leper’
April 19, 2024TorahTazria & Metzora RECAP LESSON Leviticus 12:1–13:59 Leviticus 14:1–15:33 Haftarah 2 Kings 4:42–5:19 2 Kings…
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‘Passover Sabbath’
April 26, 2024TorahErev Pesach Exodus 33:12–34:26 Numbers 28:16–31 Haftarah Ezekiel 36:37–37:14 Brit Chadashah
‘Unleavened Bread’
April 23, 2024TorahMatzah Exodus 12:21–5 Haftarah Joshua 3:5–7, 5:2–6:1, 6:27 Brit Chadashah Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke…
April 22, 2024TorahErev Pesach Exodus 12:1–51 Haftarah Joshua 5:2-6:1 Brit Chadashah John 18:1–19:42
‘At All Times’
April 22, 2024"Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a…
‘They Repented’
April 21, 2024"The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it:…
‘She Conceives & Cleanses the Leper’
April 19, 2024TorahTazria & Metzora RECAP LESSON Leviticus 12:1–13:59 Leviticus 14:1–15:33 Haftarah 2 Kings 4:42–5:19 2 Kings…