“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” -Matthew 5:9
The 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carter and his wife Roselyn fulfilled a prophetic purpose as a one term president. This prophetic fulfillment could not have happened at no better place in the world then, at Camp David. On September 17,1978 thirteen days after the arrival of President of Egypt El-Sadat and Prime Minister of Israel Begin at Camp Daivd there went out night and day negotiating for peace talk in which came to fruition on March 26, 1979.
How was this Prophetic?
Today and forever Yahweh’s Will, will always be important than our own ego. David a type of Yeshua (Jesus) was anointed at the age of 17 but did not sit on the throne until the age of 30 this was 13 years after being anointed to be king and under his dynasty uniting all 12 tribes of Israel. Mr. Carter was the 39th President 39 is divisible by 1, 3, (13) and 3+9 added together is 12. We know according to the bible and other resources the 12 tribes of Iseral were scattered abroad into all nations.
Prophetic Connection
A portion of this prophetic connection begins with Noah’s three sons. Egypt’s president at the time Anwar El-Sadat represented the descendants of Ham. Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin, represented the descendants of Shem and Jimmy Carter the peacemaker stood in the gap to represent the descendants of Japheth. President Jimmy Carter desired all Middle Eastern Nations a seat at the table of peace including Russia, but according to Prophet Ezekeil 38 & 39 Mr. Carter was not appointed for that purpose.

Yahweh has purposed an appointed time for those nations it will be a direct connection between our returning Messiah, The Antichrist and the fulfillment of End-time prophecy. The eyes of every living thing that breaths will see, it is written: “Thus, will I magnify myself and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.” -Ezekiel 38:23
The peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia received The Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 was awarded for decades of untiring effort of peacemaking solutions at home and abroad. His wife Roselyn was the rock under his hard fought out peace deal between the two nations. During the mid 80’s Mr. Carter became the face of Habitant for Humanities worldwide, and all of this while still teaching Sunday School up to his mid 90’s at Maranatha Baptist Church.

“If any man loves not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema (cursed) Maranatha.” (Read-1 Corinthians 16:22)
Those who have a bible or any type of media that can read out loud its contents are fortunate enough to become witnesses of His word; therefore, we know that Yeshua (Jesus) has laid out His Father’s will in how we should have fellowship with Him until He returns; and here again, not our will but Yahweh’s will be done.
Maranatha means “our Lord comes,” or is “coming.” Could Jimmy Carter be the light or torch that is the measuring rod of Yahweh concerning international peace only Yahweh knows. Do not think that these prophecies are strange, for the flood of Noah’s day was sent forth only after his grandfather’s death Methuselah whose name means “His death shall send.
Abounding Word Short Study Excerpt