‘Come and See’

June 5, 2023
Photo By: Gunter

“Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, we have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.” John 1:46

Here we have Philip referring back to the law (Torah) and testimonies of the prophets concerning that which is now at hand. The order of Messianic Judaism is one faith, one Lord and one baptism this was establish by Yahweh (the Lord) When Moses said, “What shall I say to them when they ask, what is his name?” Yahweh tell Moses “I AM the Elohim (God) that causes all things to be“. Philip proclaimed the Messiah to Nathanael who names in its simplest term means “given of Yahweh”.

But take note in how Philip delivered this news to Nathanael he mentions a heavenly pattern that Isaiah writes of in spirit “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.” “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:16;20 While John was in spirit he pens in the book of Revelation. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 Messianic Judaism has never been lost it was flooded out by the adversary when the enemy entered into the backdoor of Pergamos with the doctrine of Balaam. But even in all of this the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior did not allow Messianic Judaism to be washed away but hidden for a season for it is written: “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”  Revelation 12:15:17


Pergamos or Pergamum was a city known for her splendor dating back to the Seleucid era a portion of one of Alexander the Great empire. But as Pergamos changed over to a Roman lead government it is said she became a city of fornication, historically Pergamos was one of the greatest capital cities in Asia. Famous for her large library of parchment rolls (papyrus) and temples. The most famous temple was the Temple of Aesculapius, the god of healing which points to the symbol of the serpent, the medical empire.


How Pergamos prophetic dispensation reflect upon our time period is interesting indeed the etymology behind her name is bifold, but we will focus on John’s description of Pergamos. John’s writes: “I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou hold fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.” John 2:13. She became a seat where Satan dwells her latter culture became a ‘fortress’ or ‘stronghold’ against those who were married to Yeshua (Jesus). It is important to seek to understand the dispensation of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation and before time I have shared with you that the church period of ‘brotherly love’ the church of Philadelphia which represent ‘America’s Great Awakening’ the sixth church which is the number of MAN period was at a head. On March 7th after the sudden passing of my great untie at the age of 84. I pondered on the Holy Spirit concerning this moment and 11 days after she was laid to rest It was revealed a few days later. The biblical number 11 is the number of disorder and judgement which points to the apostate church, the last Church in Revelation the Church of Laodicea. Christ reveals to John this is a lukewarm church that is neither hot or cold and we know he was not referring to a building but a people.

Measuring Rod

As my cousin delivers his grandmother’s eulogy little did, he realized she was Yahweh’s measuring rod. Her talent was that of a seamstress Ann could measure you spiritually and physically without a wink of the eye; however, it was her gift that made room for her that put her before great and small from the 1st black mayor of Atlanta to 1st black funeral owner in Dekalb County. She would tell me stories of how the owner would send a car over just to pick up her famous pot of collard greens.

Family and friends would rush over on Sundays to enjoy her cooking nothing could compare to the time she invested in her love for it and every year that I grew Collards. I would drop-off garbage bag sizes fill with greens this was my way to say thanks and to help her filled any needs. All my life I have known her to stay on Glenwood Road and when she decided to buy her 1st home it was literary off of Glenwood Road. You could throw a rock from Glenwood Road and watch it skip three times and it would land at her front door.


During the eulogy I would also learn on that day she did not answer to her middle name Anne Pearl, but Anne (Fanny), the name I only known her as. I knew the biblical meaning of pearl but was trouble as to why she did not like that name because ‘fanny’ was a nickname. Her grandson stated that she felt it was a slave name but here is a woman who never learn how to fluently read so she must have wrestle with her calling for a while. She never knew the meaning of pearl in Hebrew nor Greek which both means, a resemblance that of ice or crystal. When the word crystal is given as a name it means follower of Christ or carrier of Christ.

The Jewish sects believed it meant a ‘good servant’. Are we not called or chosen to be a good and faithful servant. As I wrestle with my flesh to be obedient to what I was asked to do during the program, because we know how a program can go quickly go left concerning time. So, I held back my fleshly desires to close off with a stanza from a very old church song. ‘Back, Back Jordan and let a child of the Lord go home’, and little did I know it was an attack from an unclean spirit, but I stood still for it revealed to me my cousin whole sermon in a few minutes just after entering into the ‘church’ on that afternoon. Prophecy can come from good or fallen angels only way to measure it is by the word of Yahweh.

Obedience Is Better

While the spirit of Yahweh’s word wrestle with my flesh I stood on what is written, “obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22 We see disorder daily from adults to kids who breakout dancing or etc., during an organized program, and we reward this self-conceit (unclean spirit) because we know not scripture. As long as we live in this old flesh we are subjected to spiritual attack. Especially when you enter into a stronghold where the bread of heaven is being water down into a motivational speech for inches ears. Babylon is said to mean ongoing confusion at the Gate of Elohim. John pens that an Angel descended, “And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” Revelation 18:2 Where do you think those demons went to after the adversary learned that persecution only encouraged, spread and strengthen the witness’s faith, I see it every day you get all kinds of free advertisement? 

The Twin

The Parables of the Treasure and the Pearl in the 13th Book of Matthew points to the church of Philadelphia of our day; however, the ministry of Apostle Thomas who was the treasure, the pearl would be bought by a merchant who then took him to India where he witnessed the gospel of Christ to the subcontinent of India. Matthew 13:44-45; 6:19-21 Yeshua liken Nathanael to a man with no deceit, his yes was a yes and his no was no, and his thoughts was not engrossed in trickery ‘an eye for an eye’ or ‘tooth for a tooth’.

Thomas was a Pearl amongst his twelve brethren and his work would reflect the church of Philadelphia of his day. Many Theologians great and small have changed Thomas name to doubtful Thomas or doubtful twin. No one including yourself have the spiritual authority to change your heavenly name after birth you may do so legally in the courts but outside of marriage it carries no weight in heaven. For Yeshua gives us a foreshadow of things to come when he hands off nicknames to a few of his disciples. Some cultures participate in given out nicknames like family members or even co-workers after birth. But Christ hands out nicknames that represents his disciple’s spiritual worthiness to the Kingdom of Yahweh and those that overcome after the Day of Regeneration will be given a new name that no man know but the Messiah.  “And the Gentiles (any unbeliever today) shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.” Isaiah 62:2; Revelation 2:17

When we were named, we did not have a choice over the matter the household we are born into and the name written onto our birth certificate those two things are prophetic and belongs to Yahweh (the Lord) alone. For it is written ‘…for as his name is, so is he…’ 1 Samuel 25:25

Any Good Thing

Nathanael indeed realizes that Torah (law) is perfect, and the prophets of Yahweh are true, it is written. “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.”   Psalms 19:7,18:30; Nehemiah 9:13 As Nathanael questions Philip, a newly disciple of Yeshua (Jesus) Nathanael asks Philip, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” The basis of Thomas response was not on the basis of prejudices nor was he being opinionated, he did not question scriptures which Philip paraphrase, Nathanael questioned Philip concerning a place overflowing with generation of exiles.

Nazareth is the largest city in the Northern District of Israel it has always been a place of diverse population after Assyrian, Babylon, Greeks and Rome made this area became a hub of exiles many nations would settle there. Scripture support Yeshua was not born in Nazareth nor was he under a Nazareth vow like the famous Judge Samson was of the Tribe of Dan His vow came by the angel of the Lord and not man. Under this vow he could not put a razor to his head or beard nor drink any strong wines. Yeshua came eating and drinking; moreover, the temple services was established during Yeshua walk but the gospel writes would always say He entered into their synagogal. (Read Matthew 12: 9)

There is no tribe called Nazareth this name means in Hebrew branch, guard or watchman. A Nazareth did not have to be a Nazarene to accept the Nazareth vow for Judge Samson was from the tribe of Dan. Before Israel desired a king this became a vow for temple servicers, they were a respectful extension of the sons of Gershon Moses 1st born who name means ‘sojourner’ and The Merarites. “…from thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every one that entered in to serve in the service and to bear a burden in the tabernacle of the testimony…,” (Read Numbers 4) Future Nazareth vow was not unto death like Samson but according to the condition of temple and if the temple was still standing.  “When the sanctuary was defiled at the time of the wars of the Maccabees the people assembled all the Nazarites before God as persons who could not be released from their vows (I Macc. iii. 49); yet when Nazarites returned from the Diaspora and found the sanctuary destroyed, they were absolved from their vows (Naz. v. 4), although at the same time others took it (ib. v., end).

OWN NO RIGHTS TO THIS SHARED VIDEO This is a depiction of Caeser Borgia not Yeshua (Jesus).

Heavenly Manna

How often do you hear ministers questioning other ministers’ choice of scriptures? They tell you that you should be doing it this way or doing it that way. If you sit at my table, I will listen to you and if someone have invited you to sit at my table concerning the scriptures, I will listen to them also. But know this one thing I SPEAK Messianic Judaism. I give out bread and water at my table, I am not talking about money you will not change my menu. We ought to be like Daniel forsaking the king’s meat, for Yahweh’s word is not like Burger King, you cannot have it your way.

If you cannot eat the bread, which is the meat of the scripture our heavenly manna or drink upon the living water at that time. I understand because truth is hard to digest so I have to go boxes. The Lord’s bread will not spoil, and the water is living. Stop allowing people who want study for 1 hour under a burning midnight lamp but will sit eight hours listening or watching waiting with snares at hand. When I see the king’s meat (Babylon) being pushed my way, I forsake it which means to turn away and the only way you can turn away is because who have a safe place to return to. Yahweh’s word!

Earlier Apostles evangelized Torah (law) the Prophets and the testimony that Yeshua (Jesus) was the Son of Yahweh and risen from the grave. They preached Messianic Judaism William Tyndale, Van Huss and Martin Luther to name a few believing in the whole word of Yahweh which liberated them from the snares of the papacy (of their day) they may not have spoken the name of Yahweh, but they preached the whole bible. The spirit of Yahweh gives us an outline as follow: Which Is. Is the present tense. Which Was. Is the past tense and Which Is to Come. Is the future tense.

Five Senses

We all started off teaching and preaching milk the present and past tense of life lessons the things that relates to the five senses. Not knowing that the light is giving to those who follow the will of Yahweh’s confirmation, it is written. “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 16:17 Did Thomas really doubt or did he just want to see the living scriptures of Yahweh standing before him. Thomas was not gullible he did not need a network of flesh to stand on nor did he believe every narrative of what somebody preached or whispered into his ear in the streets. He just went straight to the Savior’s mouth; but we call it the horse’s mouth.

Yeshua tells Thomas because you have seen you believe. He did not say anything about Thomas being a doubter. However, Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29 Many preached the news and will not preach WHICH IS. Many teach about the world but will not teach Which WAS.  Many prophesize the things unseen but will not proclaim the things WHICH IS TO COME. Because of this matter it is written: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:22-24

Jordan Is Closing

As my cousin delivered his closing, he preached concerning how our lives should reflect our desires to cross over into Jordan the promise land. This was the last part of the Israelites last mile before entering into the promise land of Canaan. Many of their father’s were so condition by culture and lifestyle while in Egypt, that they complained about everything even when it was going well, they never became satisfied. Yahweh dropped quails from the sky because of their thirst for blood/meat, they were tired of that heavenly manner, but when they ate and was full many died because they were UNTHANKFUL at heart it is written. “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord ponders the hearts.” Proverbs 21:2; 16:2

It is easy to give thanks when your mouth is watery your eyes are big and bubbly. But to say thank you after your flesh has been satisfied or healed is a true measure of our hearts. Yeshua whom we call Jesus healed ten leapers only one return to give glory to Elohim (God). Yeshua asked, “were there not nine who received the same blessing how come a stranger return only to give thanks. (Read Luke 17:12-19) The Israelite felt somehow felt privileged, they believed that they made it over but as the gospel goes. No one over the age of twenty crossed over into the promise land. What is the spiritual significance that points to us today, twenty is the biblical number of redemptions; meanwhile, twenty can be found 288 times in our bible and it is the twin to the metal of sliver.

In the Book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar had a vision of a statue that was Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron with feet of clay and iron. Not only does this statue represent the 4 kingdoms but according to the teaching of one evangelist it also points to 4 spiritual kingdoms. Where silver represents the kingdom of redemption, I am beckoning to you. REPENT the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, When Jordan Neely was killed, by Daniel Pence and others rather intentionally or not Yahweh’s knows their end. Jordan name means Yahweh descend or to flow down, and Neely is a derivative of Cornelius in Hebrew it means horn and closing. Peter represents the silver kingdom and when Yeshua’s horn went into the house of Cornelius it was a type of beginning to the end. The Jordan river is closing, now the HORN will arise.

Horn of Salvation

Have you not been hearing lately the horns of salvation blowing it in the air and Satan knows it. “A ship’s horn usually blows twice when leaving port and once again when arriving. This serves as a warning to other vessels in the area that there is a large vessel about to move through the waters.” Daniel Pence is a type of third kingdom for the name Pence is a pet form of Bar. Bar or Pence (penny) points to the copper empire of Alexander the Great and the Spiritual empire of Saint Barnabas.

The Church of Philadelphia is now at a close my aunt’s last name just to share a play of words was Philips. Laodicea in our age is the last Church in the Book of Revelation it is the Seventh Church. Overall, it is about your body and soul resting eternally with the Christ but right now we are to rest in HIM. Fear not what evil can do for it is written: “And fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28; Hebrew 10:31; Luke 12:5 Yeshua (Jesus) the Nazareth was a pearl in a sea of exiled people and those who carry Christ are also a pearl hidden in a sea of people, for ships in scripture means arguments. The seas of today are filling up with war ships, but Yahweh’s children do not have to worry for Yahweh (the Lord) is our horn of salvation and His angels has cast out a dragnet. (Read Matthew 13:47-50)

So, “…grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30 There are two seals/marks upon earth today Yahweh and Babylon; and only a sincere believer can grieve the Holy Spirit, for sincere means without DECEIT. So, when deceit is found in us it is the Word that reflects it or the reflection of ourselves in the mirror. So, if you are sealed by the BLOOD then you are under the blood’s mark which is the Word of Yahweh unto the day of REDEMPTION. The living word is a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light. Repent,The Kingdom Is at Hand.



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